Our story: The heart and soul of ASF

Success is often measured by the ability to adapt, innovate, and rise above logistics challenges. At ASF Logistics, there’s a remarkable story of leaders who have gone beyond what is expected for the last 24 years.

Since our inception, we’ve focused on acting with integrity and putting people-first. We believe this produces positive long term results and establishes us as partner of choice with clients.

When Phillip Ousley and Sandy Myers established ASF Logistics, they did it with a commitment to fiscal responsibility and doing the right thing, always. Doing the right thing doesn’t mean doing things the easyway, cutting corners, or twisting the truth.

Our success comes from being a good partner, being trustworthy,and most of all, being human-centric.

These guiding beliefs are the cornerstone of our culture and leadership. To work at ASF, you must be willing to own your part in shaping the company's core values and setting it on a path toward lasting client success. Providing personalized communication, nurturing, and caring for all of our relationships– that we have been fortunate to build over many years – demonstrates our loyalty to each client and vendor partner.

The client is our boss.

“I could stay home, play golf or leave work early on Friday, but no, my boss doesn't allow that. I have always believed in giving clients the best experience possible - personal and honest,” says our President,Phillip Ousley.

We operate from a simple relationship equation. According to Phil, “It starts with trust which allows for strong mutual respect and a meaningful, collaborative way of working. We have a long history of meeting expectations, not just for clients, but for our partners too. And this allows all parties involved – ASF, the client, and the partner – to achieve shared benefits. This is a win-win for everyone.”

Everyone at ASF knows, respect and trust come from admitting when you do something wrong and making it right, as well as living up to our commitments. Sometimes this is easy, and sometimes it isn’t. But, it is always the right way to conduct business.

Here’s a story, from the early days of ASF: Ocean capacity got tight, and it was very difficult to get space on container vessels for clients. “I was spending 90% of my time trying to get space, not selling to customers,” said Phillip. “Fortunately, I was able to pick up business because I was able to get space and commitments from the carriers. Why? Because I had always focused on making sure I intimately understood the value they were seeking, and worked to align our approach and our service to our clients in away that unlocks value for all. I am proud that our entire team lives this every day.”

We understand that during challenging times, when market and economic conditions are tough, true abilities shine. A commitment to doing the right thing and putting people-first can make all the difference when faced with challenges.

Keep it simple

A central tenet of ASF Logistics' success is the philosophy of simplicity. Keeping things straightforward and avoiding unnecessary complexities that lead to waste and reduced productivity. By streamlining business processes and focusing on what truly matters, ASF is able to provide efficient and cost-effective logistics solutions. This is especially seen in our single-point of contact to client support. Everyone is accountable to the client in the end.

In-person and often

In the digital age, face-to-face interactions have become increasingly rare. However, a people-first philosophy recognizes the value of in-person engagement. Whether it's visiting clients and vendor partners at their facilities, or simply scheduling regular meetings to express interest, a personal touch makes a significant difference. We hear from our clients and partners that this is one of ASF’s key strengths. It demonstrates a commitment to a relationship and goes a long way in maintaining trust.

By consistently showing gratitude strong emotional bonds are created to foster an atmosphere of mutual respect and appreciation where collaboration and innovation can  thrive.We live for this!

The right path leads to success

Logistics is competitive. Sometimes it is price driven,other times it is space driven. Sometimes service is the focus, and others it is just a transaction. Regardless, logistics is   a people-driven industry. Our people-first philosophy is not just a feel-good sentiment; it's just who we are. We put relationships first and deliver consistent, and reliable services which we have proven leads to sustained growth.

With these principles, ASF has carved out a unique and important category as the Human Standard in Global Logistics. We are ASF.

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